S ponosom najavljujemo kako je upravo izdana nova numizmatička kovanica s motivom brusničke krške gušterice (Podarcis melisellensis melisellensis), endemske podvrste gušterica koja obitava na otočiću Brusniku, zaštićenom kao geološki spomenik prirode još od 1951....
Natrix helvetica: Nova vrsta faune Hrvatske
Fauna Hrvatske nedavno je obogaćena novom vrstom zmije – Natrix helvetica, imenovanom kao zapadna bjelouška (jer je odvojena od obične bjelouške). Ova vrsta do nedavno se smatrala dijelom vrste Natrix natrix, obične bjelouške, sve dok genetska istraživanja nisu...
Zootoca carniolica: A New Species in Croatia’s Fauna
Croatia’s fauna has recently been enriched by a new member from the reptile world: Zootoca carniolica. Previously considered part of the widespread species Zootoca vivipara, the common viviparous lizard, Zootoca carniolica has been officially recognized as a separate...
BONSAI – training the entrepreneur mindset
Bonsai 🌳, the art of cultivating miniature trees, is a centuries-old Japanese tradition that embodies patience, discipline, and attention to detail. Here are just a few ways that the principles of bonsai can benefit entrepreneurs and professionals alike. 🌿 First and...
Embracing the Power of Environmental DNA (eDNA) 🧬
In the realm of modern conservation and sustainable business practices, environmental DNA (eDNA) methods emerge as a game-changer.Here's a glimpse into the advantages and applications that make sturtup eDNAture.eu a vital tool for you:🌿 Biodiversity Monitoring:eDNA...